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Why Hope House of Arizona?


Hope House of Arizona was born out of a passion and love for youth in foster care and is dedicated to preventing homelessness, promoting healing, providing help, and preserving hope in the lives of former foster youth 18-24 in the Phoenix Metropolitan area. Youth that age out of foster care represent ethnically underrepresented populations. Youth in foster care usually have traumatic experiences in their past that have resulted in them being in the foster system. Many have experienced physical and sexual abuse and as a result, struggle with their mental health. Additionally, others struggle with substance abuse because they turn to drugs and alcohol as a means of coping with their situation. Youth in foster care also face significant challenges to receiving positive educational experiences & achieving academic success. They are more likely to be suspended or expelled from school and tend to exhibit low levels of school engagement and involvement with extra-curricular activities. Many won’t graduate from high school, and for those who do, only a few will attend college and receive their degree by the age of 24.  They are a high-risk population for teen pregnancy and are more likely to have received mental health services, have a limited physical, learning, or mental health condition, or be in poor or fair health. Many do not have the means, skills, or resources to further their education, receive gainful employment, or maintain stable living conditions and as a result end up homeless.

Why we exist?

There is a great need to continue working with youth once they age out of the foster care system. Most do so without a family to connect with, a supportive community that will encourage and motivate them, or the tools needed to achieve lifelong independence. It is our aim to assist them in discovering their potential, finding their purpose, pursuing their passion, and achieving their dreams. It is also our aim to ensure that they are connected with the appropriate mental and physical health services, as well as have access to supportive services such as counseling, substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and medication management. Our hope is to provide youth with the encouragement needed when facing life’s daily challenges, and assistance in overcoming obstacles. By doing this, we are able to give them the support needed to thrive and succeed in life, giving them hope for a positive future. This is why Hope House of Arizona exist!

Aging Out
Hope House
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