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Hope House of Arizona Vision & Mission


The vision of Hope House of Arizona, Inc is to serve as a safe-haven and place of hope for youth in foster care, youth who have aged out of foster care, and youth experiencing homelessness due to unforeseen family circumstances. Hope House of Arizona is committed to being a “Bridge of Hope” to ensure that every youth that ages out of foster care has a safe place to call home, a healthy network of support, and supportive services to help them achieve self-sufficiency and life-long independence.



The mission of Hope House of Arizona is to educate, empower, encourage, and equip former foster youth with the skills, resources, & tools necessary for a successful transition to adulthood. It exists to enrich the lives of former foster youth by empowering them to discover their potential, find their purpose, pursue their passion, and achieve their dreams. Our goal is to ensure that every youth that ages out of foster care receives the encouragement, support and assistance needed to thrive and succeed in life, giving them hope for a positive future. It is our hope that by providing supportive programs and services we will help prevent homelessness, promote healing, provide help, and preserve hope.

Hope House of Arizona, Inc is committed to fostering a culture of diversity, equity, access, and inclusion in every aspect of our work and strives to create a space where all individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, color, national origin, sex, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, religion, disability, socioeconomic background, or belief, feel valued, respected, and supported.

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